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20 values that I’m learning in my 20’s

3 min readJun 15, 2021


“I believe that 20’s is a age of strengthening your dreams, working for it, slow and steady with focus !”

✓Dreams require sacrifice

— Sacrifice always never means letting go, but it’s a sign telling us something better is on its way.

✓ You will feel lost

— It’s normal to feel lost, life isn’t always bed of roses, but work for it you will feel stronger to overcome the thorns with strength.

✓Start saving and Investing ASAP

— We don’t know what future holds for us, lets be prepared, as they say “ prevention is better than cure” and why do we need to go against good habits?

✓ Stop caring about what people will think

— No matter what you do they will judge you, Are we born to please them or reach our goals ?

✓ Accepting yourself the way you are

— When you begin to accept yourself, you begin to see everything in a different perspective that will nurture your growth.

✓Emotional wellness is as important as physical wellness

— Never take Mental wellness for granted, never hold it within, speak up.

✓Embracing and learning from failures

— Failures teach you that you had taken a effort rather than quitting, learn what it has to say, and keep trying. Every problem has its solutions.

✓Take rest, but never quit

— why to quit when you can rest? you never know digging deeper might give you diamonds when you expected gold.

✓ Passion does matter

— Passion is real, work for it, nothing is vain, you will win or learn to win, anything it is, its a win no matter what.

✓ The quality of people matter than quantity

— No matter how red the apples are, if there isn't any taste what to do?

✓ It’s okay to tell a “No”

— You don’t need to have an yes for everything you don't feel, but there can be a polite No when you feel for it.

✓People will change when you never expected

— Change is the only constant, people come into your life for a reason, not accidently.

✓ Meditation is not just a word

— Meditation is the food for the soul, you treat the soul, you win the game of life with much grip.

✓Its okay not to run behind life, pause and live the moments — we don't need to be Bolt, we can be Tortoise too.

✓ Know that you’re enough

— You read it right! you are enough, yes you are.

✓ You don’t need to entertain toxic people in life, just come out of it, it’s liberating

— why would you want to drink poison to live your life ?

✓Spend less time staring at the screen, there is so much more to learn from —

Somethings can never be learnt from a screen, you need to get up and explore.

✓Don’t stop yourself from crying because your grown

— Crying isn’t only for children but for humans, we are humans right?

✓You need not be serious all the time, nurture the child in you

— Children can teach much values to adults, so never forget to nurture the child in you and learn from it too!

✓Self love is unbeatable

— Until you experience and live it some things can never be expressed, self love is one of it!

Hope I have inspired you to live your life!




I see world through writer's lens, I believe that words add more emotions to the reality✨ An Ardent freelance writer who is excited to help leverage your succes