5 Kick-Ass Game changing Tech Tools for Writers

3 min readJun 16, 2021


“When life gives you problems lets use technology”

Have you ever thought that life has become much smoother with technology than manual ones that consume more of your time ??

We depend on technology for most of our day to day needs, it helps work get done faster and easier than manually ones. When we utilize technology for a good purpose its always a boon to the humankind.

A few years back, people whose jobs were all about writing, felt very tedious of all the manual work they had to do, but now technology has made such powerful tools to ease out those unwanted stress and made work much simpler.

Some of the 5 game changers apps (free versions available)that changed my freelance writing career game forever are,

TRELLO — It has both a free version and a paid version, where you can create realistic boards for projects, ideas, etc., for yourself or as at team with ease.

You can create main heads and subheads and keep pushing the sub-heads from each main head as per the workflow. Trello tells you in one glance, what's being worked on, who is working what, and what is on process. If you have team you can add them to the board and share the board where each of them can be assigned individually their tasks and add ideas.

TOGGL TRACKER — Have you ever wanted to do numerous tasks for the day but couldn’t do everything and wondered where is all your time flying? Toggl tracker is the answer ! Toggl tracker is a time tracking application that allows you to know where you have spent all your time? How much time do you spend on a task?

Just create your account, create different tasks you got to handle, whenever you start a task just run the timer and select the particular task your working on, stop once that task is completed, at the end of the day you can look into you report to know where you spent your time and for how long, hence you will know your productivity.

MAILCHIMP — An app created to bring all the required data of clients and targeted audience into one app called Mailchimp, helping you to send in trigger event based mails and updates to audience, manage accounts, beautifully designed campaigns and more, thus drives in traffic to your website.

GRAMMARLY — A cloud based writing assistant, that works on reviewing spelling, punctuations, clarity, engagement, and delivery mistakes in our work, and gives perfect clean output, error- free. It has both free and premium versions for anyone to use.

CoSCHEDULE HEADLINE ANALYSER — An app that simply scores your proposed headline on the types of words used in it, when you use unique, emotional based words you score higher, thus you get what headline is a hit to post for the content.

what are you going to download to make work life better?




I see world through writer's lens, I believe that words add more emotions to the reality✨ An Ardent freelance writer who is excited to help leverage your succes