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Why did Productivity feel exhausted with technology?

3 min readJun 18, 2021


Have you ever realized when you sit for work & you get a social media notification you instantly go and check the notification and get engrossed scrolling your feed ? And then you realize you missed doing tasks for the day ?

Technology has been our greatest companion and our biggest foe too, when we really have to be focused on some work, it comes running to hug us tight with notifications that distracts us.

Some people get to utilize Technology to compliment their daily lives, but many do fall a prey to the con’s of the new technology ! Technology has been a huge support to ease our daily tasks, but that same technology gets us distracted and swallows our productive hours.

Most of the time, technology swallows our productive hours:

Majority of us end up get distracted with emails, social media, instant messages, instead of challenging ourselves to use our time productively, and then when we sit down we don’t end up being in the most productive state of mind to work and hence we either extend work hours exhausting ourselves or don't get to complete our tasks for the day!

Technology prevents us from starting our day productive:

Many of us have the habit of scrolling our notifications and feed as soon as we wake up, and we don't know what those notification will hold for us, thus our day falls prey to those things as soon as we wake up, rather than starting it mindfully.

Trying to create social media pleasing image of ourselves:

Social media has given us incentives in the form of followers, friends etc.,. that pushes us to create an online image of ourselves so that we don't feel out of the trend and boring to people.

From Productivity point of view it gets us into trouble when we start to focus on being perfect- taking those perfect selfies, pushing us to be updated with trends, to upload status of what we are doing, eating, going, why are we sad or happy. Caught in that circle, we waste our time and put ourselves into pressure of being socially present and trying to be impressive on social media than being productive in many other ways.

These technology diversions drag as as a prey to it , but rather than just blindly trying to be on trend until its quite necessary, we can always use technology to a limit. It’s up to us to utilize it in a right way than utilize it to destroy our productivity. Work on yourself, be mindful of what you do, it will always help you to grow than pushing you down.

It’s in our hands to let anyone or anything take over us, always use technology for the right and limited purpose, it will in turn support you to grow.




I see world through writer's lens, I believe that words add more emotions to the reality✨ An Ardent freelance writer who is excited to help leverage your succes